Jewelers School

This program will provide a comprehensive background in diamond setting. It is for the person who is already proficient in most soldering techniques. It will prepare you for the more difficult repairs and remounts. A graduate of this program would feel confident to own and operate their own store or trade shop.
Gemstone characteristics — A comprehensive look at the various gemstone groups and the characteristics that help to identify them. The discussion will include stone treatments, liability issues and how to avoid potential problems when setting them.
Oval cut setting — New types of burs and techniques are introduced that allows you to custom cut each prong

individually. Two tightening methods are presented. You will choose one or the combination of the two to complete your setting.
Graver design — A discussion of various graver styles, their uses, and how to personalize them. You will sharpen each of your gravers to a mirror finish.
Bar top setting — You will find new and creative ways of setting stones in your pieces with these skills. Two methods of cutting a seat will be shown. You will choose one to complete your setting.
Bead setting — One of several methods to set a stone into the surface. A combination of burs will be used to guarantee a tight fit before you create tiny beads with your graver to lock in the stone.
Emerald cut setting — To set the emerald cut squarely from all views requires close attention to detail. New methods are presented that enable you to custom fit your stone. You will complete your setting with special tightening instructions and one on one guidance.
Star bright cutting — Bright cutting is a decorative process that is used to enhance the size and beauty of a diamond. Using what you learned while bead setting you will seat a stone. With the introduction of a new graver and step by step instructions you will engrave a star design to finish the setting.
Marquise setting — The six prong marquise mounting is the start of a series of challenging settings that incorporate standard prongs along with v-prongs. After preparing the standard prong work an exciting new technique that simplifies the preparation of the v-prong will be taught. Traditional preparation of the v-prong will also be presented.
Block bright cut — This is a challenging project that provides an opportunity to practice your previously acquired engraving skills. Starting with a flat plate you will bright cut reflective panels to frame your stone. To complete your project you will apply a millgrain edge.
Cluster setting — Multiple stones will be set using shared prongs. Your instructions will include a special technique to seat your stones, proper setting order, and tightening. The repair and tightening of old cluster rings will also be covered.
Pear setting — All of your setting skills will be taxed with this five prong pear mounting. The introduction of a relief cut to the v-prong virtually eliminates the chance of stone damage.
Channel setting — The proper steps to channel setting will be presented and demonstrated. To correctly cut a seat and tighten, one on one attention will be provided. Further instruction includes an alternate method, and repair and tightening of old sets.
Gypsy setting — You will need a perfect fit to successfully complete this project. Practicing skills acquired previously you will achieve a “click in fit” and burnish to complete.
Baguette setting — No burs will be used for this one. Your seat will be completely cut by hand and completed with standard tightening methods.
Princess cut setting — With the skills you have gained to this point this setting is no harder than any other prong setting. Re-tightening instructions for customers mounts will be included.
Thread setting — A popular variation of pave' that creates ribbons of diamonds. This project is an extension of your bright cutting skills with a focus on layout.
Pave' setting — A classic pave' pattern will be presented and executed with close guidance. You will be given a choice of three bead patterns to lock in your stones.

Investment soldering — A trick of the trade that provides you a method for holding many parts together while soldering. This is especially useful when building custom mounts and repairing filigree.